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Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library started up in the spring of 1999 to raise money to enhance our library. After a few small fundraisers, the group decided on an idea of having a pie social and held it during I Love to Read Month, which is February. A Tradition was born. That dedicated group of women have raised money to buy furniture for the library, the circulation desk, they paid for new carpet, shelving, they’ve painted both the upstairs and the downstairs of the library, and the outside, new sign, countless books and DVD’s and many more things that make our library so great. The pie social is a highlight of the winter and is so much fun. There has been a wide variety of entertainment enjoyed over the years, but the actual pie auction always seems to be the highlight! This year’s Pie Social was the 16th annual, and made a record breaking amount of over $5000.00! 

The Friends of the Library would not be the success story if not for the great support from our community!!  See you in February!


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